Community News and Social Media

Authoritative. Respected. Trusted.

About Us


Town Talk Media is a privately held media company headquartered in Central Illinois. The company holds sole ownership and management interest in both the Mail News Group and the Town Talk Social community-based social media platform.

The company was founded and began publishing in 2020 as the Mail Newspapers. In July 2022, the Mail Newspapers ceased publishing their 10 community print editions. The publications were transitioned to online content exclusively and were renamed the Mail News Group. In October 2023, the company was reorganized as Town Talk Media and added the Town Talk Social community-based social media platform to its portfolio.

Our Brands

Mail News Group Logo

The Mail News Group are a collection of free community news sites, serving the Armington, Atlanta, Danvers, Hopedale, Mackinaw, McLean, Minier, Stanford, Tremont, and Waynesville communities in Central Illinois.

Town Talk Social Logo
Town Talk Social Logo

Brief description of the Town Talk Social community-based social media platform.


Art Of Coding
